Yup, it’s the time of year to eat your own body weight in baked goods. Here are a few other things we’re looking forward to.
Can you believe it’s almost 2015? This year has flown by and we’ve seen some pretty huge changes here at STAT over the past 12 months.
Our STAT family grew.
In 2014, our team practically doubled in size, which made for some interesting logistical challenges squeezing everyone into the existing space. But we made it work and I guess you could say we’re now closer than ever.
We got more stamps in our passports.
This year, the STAT team travelled to Dublin, Brighton, London, New York, San Jose, Seattle, and Las Vegas.
Rob spoke at a few conferences and we handed out over 2,000 of our almost-famous STAT t-shirts. Check out some of the photos of our travels and folks sporting the STAT tees on our Facebook page.
The dev team took STAT to the next level.
Our development team launched a ton of new features this year. We released some really cool stuff like smartphone rankings, new and improved keyword import and reporting systems, and a new speciality bulk API service for deeper SERP and Adwords research.
And before the end of December, our clients can look forward to a powerful dynamic tagging system that will change the way they do keyword segmentation. Stay tuned!
Wait ’til you see what we’ve got planned for 2015.
We’ve got lots of good stuff coming your way.
In January, we’re launching a fully overhauled website that will do a better job of showcasing our incredible clients. Throughout the year, we’ll be sharing all sorts of original research, mouthy opinions, and glimpses inside STAT on our blog. And, of course, we’ll be stepping up the release of tons of new features in the STAT app, including a raft of new report types.
Here’s raising a glass to you and yours over the holiday season.
See you in 2015!